What is NT/RUC and how do I find it?

Taxpayer identification number

(NT) is the taxpayer's identification number for tax matters. This number will be assigned for control purposes and ease of payment of taxes administered by the General Directorate of Revenue (DGI).

For more information on how to obtain it visit the website https://dgi.mef.gob.pa/Tramites-servicios/Asignacin- NT.html https://dgi.mef.gob.pa/Tramites-servicios/Asignaci%C3%B3n-NT.html

The Unique Registry of Taxpayers (RUC) is the tax identification of any natural or legal person that performs an economic activity in Panama, which is assigned by the General Directorate of Revenue (DGI).

For more information on how to obtain it visit the website https://dgi.mef.gob.pa/Tramites-servicios/Asignacin- NT.html https://dgi.mef.gob.pa/Registro.html

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